Conversion to green electricity and expansion of renewable energies
If you want to do something about climate change and quickly reduce your own CO₂ emissions, switching to green electricity is the right thing to do. The switch is quick, the effort is low and the effects are great, because green electricity does not cause any CO₂ emissions. At the same time, the expansion of renewable energies ensures that our society becomes independent of fossil fuels, which are currently responsible for the price explosions on the energy market.
Solar panels on the locations
That is why it is important, for example, that as many event locations as possible equip and cover their roofs and, above all, large parking lots with solar systems. And has several positive effects at once:
- It provides shade,
- saves electricity costs,
- offers new sources of revenue,
- relieves the load on local power grids,
- Provides new charging stations for e-cars
- and at the same time ensures CO₂ savings.
Green electricity is the first step towards climate neutrality
Green electricity is the only electricity production that is constantly becoming cheaper. It is available in infinite quantities and does not harm the climate or does so only to a very small extent. The construction of wind turbines, hydroelectric plants, solar plants, etc. also cause greenhouse gas emissions, but in relation to other methods and in terms of operating time and efficiency, this is the most climate-friendly solution.
That is why it is important that we, as players in the event industry, support the expansion of renewable energies. Develop free areas, roofs and parking lots for solar expansion or make them available. In particular, the public sector should use its exhibition grounds, locations, theaters, museums and parking lots for solar expansion.
Green electricity - what is it?
Basically, green electricity is understood to be electricity that comes 100% from renewable energy sources and the suppliers are 100% independent of oil, gas, coal and nuclear power producers.
It is also important that green electricity providers promote the expansion of renewable energies and invest in them so that more and more green electricity is available. The "OK Power" or "Green Electricity" seals and the TÜV seal provide a certain amount of orientation.
Green electricity supplier comparison
Currently, the following companies offer genuine green electricity:
- Bürgerwerke
- EWS Schönau
- Green Planet Energy (formerly Greenpeace Energy)
- Octopus Energy
- Polarstern
- Natural electricity
These providers ensure that the expansion of renewable energies is steadily increasing. So see your electricity bill as an investment in a better future.
Germany's largest green power provider Lichtblick is no longer part of this group, as Lichtblick was sold to Mitsubishi Corporation as well as Chubu Electric Power, which also own coal-fired and nuclear power plants.
Companies organized as cooperatives have the advantage of not being able to be sold to large corporations, as happened with Lichtblick.
As a general rule, genuine green power providers are to be preferred. However, it is better to obtain green electricity from a non-independent company than to use no green electricity at all.
> more and source at
Why the switch to green electricity is so important
The combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas generates high CO2 emissions, among other things. These extremely intensify the natural greenhouse effect and thus cause an increase in the average temperature on earth. The current average temperature compared to the pre-industrial age is 1.2 degrees. This is already causing extreme weather disasters worldwide.
The current weather extremes are already causing festival cancellations and billions of dollars in damage. These storms of extreme heat, rain masses and cold become more frequent and more extreme the higher the average temperature rises.
30,000 scientists from Scientists for Future confirm that we must use the next 10 years to prevent the worst and to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees if possible.
In order to keep the climate within tolerable limits for us and our descendants as well as for events, we must massively reduce CO2 emissions.
Climate Change - What Science Really Knows (...and What It Doesn't)
Green electricity is one of the most effective and simple ways to reduce greenhouse gases.
Nuclear power produces few direct CO₂ emissions, but it is not a solution because of its hazardous nature and environmentally harmful waste. It is even uneconomical. In other words, nuclear power is more expensive to produce. Especially since disposal has not been solved and the extreme costs for dismantling the nuclear power plants and the costs for storing the contaminated building parts and fuel rods are usually not even included in the cost of nuclear power.
Save energy and switch to green electricity
We should all switch to green electricity and use as little energy as possible. Therefore, it is recommended that you also integrate energy saving management in your business and event planning.
Also ask your suppliers whether they use green electricity. The more users we are, the greater the positive effect. The faster we create a minimum standard of sustainability in our industry and thus reduce CO₂ emissions.
It is also important that we all use as little electricity as possible - even if it is green electricity. Therefore, you should check all power-consuming devices from all trades and replace them with power-saving devices. If you are a provider, you should ensure this. If you are an event planner, you should ask for this information, pay attention to it and choose your suppliers accordingly.
Advantages of switching to green electricity
Environmentally friendly: Certified green electricity has little to no impact on the environment - in other words, it is free of greenhouse gases. This has a positive impact on the environmental balance of an event.
Cost-saving: Since green electricity is CO₂-free, there are no costs for compensation. Green electricity does not have to be more expensive than electricity from the basic supplier. A price comparison is worthwhile.
Peacemaking, inexhaustible and regenerative resource: green electricity is generated from renewable resources - solar energy, biomass, water, wood, etc. This means that we will not run out of energy and it will not cause famines, social tensions and wars over these resources.
In line with political climate protection targets: Green electricity is CO₂-neutral and helps achieve the climate targets of the UN and the German government.
Legal certainty and future viability: The Climate Protection Act sets the climate protection targets. Green electricity and a climate-neutral implementation of events ensure that you stay within the climate protection provision and position yourself for the future. In this way, you avoid being sued. Examples of this already exist today: Shell, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Wintershall DEA AG.
Strengthening the economy: The use of green power creates more demand for green power and for the further and faster expansion of renewable energy resources. This strengthens the green power sector and the economy as a whole. This is because we need many suppliers and skilled workers to be able to build the green power plants.
Your own ecological footprint: Switching to green electricity reduces your personal CO₂ footprint by up to 80%. Did you know? The building sector accounts for 40 % of CO₂ emissions.
Opportunities for our events
Locations have a great responsibility, as they have a major influence on whether an event becomes climate-neutral or not. In addition to green electricity, they are also responsible for sustainable purchasing, operation and waste management. If you work for locations, trade fairs, cities, theaters, etc., you have a great deal of steering power.
Possibilities and opportunities that we in the event industry should definitely take advantage of:
Protect the environment and save costs
Solar panels on the roofs of the venues and car parks etc. - ensure enormous cost reductions through self-consumption and sale of the self-generated energy.
Earn money with charging stations
Parking lots that are covered with solar panels are less expensive and provide revenue opportunities through charging stations for the company's own fleet or for off-site electric cars, buses, trucks and more.
Energy-saving measures
Energy-saving measures such as switching to LED lamps, insulation and energy-saving appliances reduce costs and protect the environment.
Best Practice
Johan Cruyff Arena in Amsterdam: This stadium stores energy in old e-car batteries
About the initiative 16 Steps towards climate neutrality of the event industry by 2025
More about the initiative "16 Steps to 2025 - For a climate-neutral event industry" and the complete press release can be found at
> to the official press release - step 1
> to all press releases of Stefan Lohmann
> 16 Steps to 2025 - For a climate-neutral event industry
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