Heads of Sustainability:
Sabine Böhling Expert for SDGs and Sustainability
"Sustainable development is a collaborative effort with education for all at its core," says Sabine Böhling. - says Sabine Böhling, sustainability expert and ambassador for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Sabine Böhling - Heads of Sustainability
Consultant, trainer and lecturer on the topics of sustainability and CSR, Sabine Böhling is a practitioner in the development and creation of training programmes, the implementation of training sessions, in customer consulting and in trade fair and event organisation, among other things. As a trainer of junior staff, employees and customers, she and her company sb2 concepts focus on sustainability analyses and strategies, change management and sustainability in event management. As a consultant and trainer for sustainability and CSR, she supports companies in shaping their impact levels for the future.
As one of the brains of sustainability, she imparts knowledge and action skills in lectures, seminars and workshops in order to inform, sensitise and motivate employees at all levels about the necessity of the transformation to sustainability. She also works as a freelance lecturer at universities and receives teaching assignments on the topics of CSR and sustainability.
Here is a small excerpt of possible topics for the sustainability expert:
- Basic knowledge sustainability
- Employee involvement in sustainability management
- Sustainable event management
- CSR and corporate responsibility
- Sustainable corporate governance
- Sustainable real estate management
- Conversational and methodological skills with a focus on alternative event forms
as well as negotiation and presentation techniques
- Other topics on request
Her recent successes of the sustainability expert
She graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) in Tourism, Hotel and Event Management with "Best Degree, Best Thesis" awards. After almost 30 years of professional experience - in various companies, positions and areas of responsibility - she realised a personal desire with this degree, adding another building block to her passion of lifelong, life-wide and life-deep learning.
In doing so, she devoted herself in particular to the topic of how the transformation to sustainability can be successfully implemented in companies. In her bachelor's thesis entitled: "Employee events as a supporting measure for raising awareness of the topic of corporate social responsibility - a modular event concept for companies", she was able to develop key findings in this regard.
As co-editor of the book "CSR in Hessen", which was published by Springer Gabler Verlag in the management series Corporate Social Responsibility by Prof. Dr. René Schmidpeter in November 2021, she and her colleague and many great authors also show how the transformation to sustainability can succeed with a total of 52 best practice examples from education, society and business.
Here you will also find some very interesting contributions for the event industry, such as:
- Events as a supporting measure for employee involvement in sustainability management (summary of the bachelor thesis by Sabine Böhling)
- Sustainability in the Event Business (Marcus Stadler)
- and much more.
Sabine Böhling - Expert for Sustainable Development Goals SDG's on the Sustainability Rider
As an expert on Sustainable Development Goals SDGs, Sabine Böhling is also a passionate SDG ambassador. Due to her favourite SDG No. 4, "Quality Education", she also likes to share her knowledge in many different ways. Thus, she is involved in a wide variety of projects to spread the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals, 17 goals for sustainable development of the United Nations). She also tries to show as many people as possible the purpose of a sustainable future and to give them first immediate measures for their individual start.
The SDGs are an excellent frame of reference for this goal. After working with the "Sustainability Rider" (the guide for sustainable events by artist relations manager and talent buyer Stefan Lohmann / Sustainable Event Solutions) for a few years herself and also recommending it to students in her lectures in workshops on planning sustainable events, she came up with an idea.
She checked the Rider to see to what extent the individual fields of action contribute to the 17 SDGs. The result is impressive and shows the great potential and possibilities that the event industry already has today on the way to a sustainable, climate-neutral future.
Their motto: Every contribution counts! - We all just have to start right away!
Here are some more examples of actions by Sabine Böhling
- Co-initiator and team member of the SDG Beer Coasters in Hessian Dialect
- Co-initiator and editorial director of the 1st SDG Advent Calendar Podcast in Frank Schlieder's "Fabrik für Immer" .
- Co-initiator, organiser and speaker at the 1st GreenAzubiBarcamp for the tourism, hotel and event industry in cooperation with the hotel certification portal "GreenSign" .
- Impulse presentations on the SDGs in companies, adult education centres, chambers of commerce, etc.
- Corporate volunteering activities within the framework of "Wiesbaden engagiert
o 2021 - Sustainability in the cultural sector
Museum Wiesbaden - in collaboration with Anke Trischler and Lisa Seyffardt. Shaping the future - counting, estimating, weighing, measuring, planning and reporting - basics for strategic sustainability management in the cultural sector. A total of three workshops were held on this topic in the period from April to August, thus taking up a pioneering topic. This was scientifically accompanied, evaluated, reflected on with the practice partner and created a relevant added value.
o 2020: Basic knowledge of sustainability
Workshop - for committed people from non-profit organisations in the city of Wiesbaden - in cooperation with Anke Trischler.