CO₂ emission measurements and the compensation of these emissions are enormously important. After all, events and international tours cause a high level of CO₂ emissions simply through guest travel and production transport. The same applies to electricity requirements, unless renewable energy sources are available. There is a lot you can do about this. Keyword: compensation projects. These can achieve a lot in addition to pure CO₂ compensation. Example: small biogas plants for private households in India. They guarantee less wood consumption, less smoke in living rooms and kitchens, less chronic diseases caused by smog, and more local jobs.
We recommend that event organizers and artists have their energy and resource consumption as well as their CO2 emissions measured, evaluated and potential improvements identified.
For a successful sustainability strategy, it is a good idea to work with professional offset companies and sustainably oriented or certified suppliers!
Take advantage of the enormous benefits of a sustainable supply chain and long-term partnerships.
This automatically creates events with a positive impact for people and the environment.
This is how CO₂ emission measurements and CO₂ offsetting pay into the SDGs
- SDG3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-beingfor allat all ages
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
3.9 By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water, and soil pollution and contamination - SDG7: Significantly increase the share of renewables in the global energy mix by 2030. Switch to a green power provider. Get involved as a green power ambassador:in.
Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy - SDG8: Promote sustained,inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment anddecent work for all - Question the origin of your working materials.
Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
8.4 By 2030, progressively improve global resource efficiency in consumption and production and aim to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in line with the Ten-Year Program Framework on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns, with developed countries taking the lead. - SDG12: Ensuresustainable consumption and productionpatterns
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
12.2 By 2030, achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
12.5 By 2030, significantly reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse - SDG13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Reduce your CO₂ footprint.
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts - SDG17: Strengthen means of implementation andrevitalize the global partnership for sustainable development - sustainability is a collaborative effort, leverage partnerships, collaborations and networks.
Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Practical tips for CO₂ emission measurements and their compensation
A serious sustainability strategy for events should always include a CO2 or climate accounting that takes all three scopes into account. This means that not only the direct emissions (Scope 1) and the emissions resulting from the purchase of energy and heat (Scope 2) should be taken into account, but also the emissions generated throughout the event's supply chain (Scope 3). Only in this way can a comprehensive and meaningful climate accounting be carried out that provides a basis for effective reduction and compensation of CO₂ emissions.
When offsetting unavoidable CO₂ emissions, organizers should make sure that the certificates and seals used are trustworthy and meet certain standards. The Gold Standard certificate is a good choice here, as it offers high integrity and transparency. It is important to note that offsetting emissions should not be the only solution, but should only be considered as the last step in a comprehensive sustainability strategy. Avoid, reduce, offset.
Ideally, the projects used to offset CO₂ emissions should also have a positive impact on biodiversity and local communities. For example, reforestation projects can help preserve biodiversity while helping to create jobs.
Comprehensive and transparent CO₂ accounting and careful selection of offset projects can not only help reduce CO₂ emissions, but also strengthen the confidence of participants and partners in the sustainability of the event and create new business opportunities. An effective sustainability strategy can help unlock the economic, social and environmental benefits of sustainability for the event industry.
Examples of CO₂ offsets at events
The annual United Nations climate conference dedicated to addressing climate change and implementing transparent CO₂ accounting and sustainability strategies.
The Eden Project
A botanical garden and venue in Cornwall, UK, focused on sustainability and environmental education. The venue publishes its carbon footprint and has set a target to be carbon neutral by 2023.
Green Events and Innovations Conference
An annual conference focused on sustainability in the events industry, covering topics such as climate accounting, renewable energy, waste management and sustainable supply chains.
Sziget Festival
A music festival in Budapest that focuses on sustainability and social responsibility. The festival publishes its carbon footprint and aims to be carbon neutral by 2025.
Sydney Opera House
A famous opera house in Sydney, Australia, which has implemented a sustainability strategy to reduce CO₂ emissions and improve energy efficiency. The Opera House publishes its carbon footprint and has set a goal to be carbon neutral by 2023.
Salzburg Congress
A venue in Salzburg, Austria, that focuses on sustainability and environmental awareness. The venue has implemented a sustainability strategy that focuses on climate accounting, energy efficiency, waste management and sustainable procurement.
Hamburg Fair and Congress
A trade show and event center in Hamburg, Germany, that focuses on sustainability and environmental awareness. The venue has implemented a sustainability strategy that focuses on CO₂ balancing, energy efficiency, waste management, and sustainable procurement.
Glastonbury Festival
A music festival in Somerset, UK that focuses on sustainability and environmental awareness. The festival publishes its carbon footprint and aims to be carbon neutral by 2030.
Park Hyatt Sydney
A luxury hotel in Sydney, Australia, that has implemented a sustainability strategy focused on energy efficiency, waste management, sustainable procurement and social responsibility. The hotel publishes its carbon footprint and has set a goal to be carbon neutral by 2025.
Malmö Mässan
An exhibition and event center in Malmö, Sweden, that focuses on sustainability and environmental awareness. The venue has implemented a sustainability strategy covering CO₂ balancing, energy efficiency, waste management and sustainable procurement.
Now it's your turn - are there already CO₂ emission measurements at your events?
Let me know where you stand on CO₂ emissions measurements and offsets at your event.
- Are you reducing your emissions as much as you can?
- Do you offset the unavoidable CO₂ emissions of your event with trusted, certified suppliers?
- Do you have a strategy for becoming CO₂-neutral?
Discuss with me - for example directly on my LinkedIn profile.
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