Use an environmentally friendly and demand-oriented transfer, e.g. with the use of electric or hybrid vehicles, low-particulate fuels or shared shuttles. Public transport and modern, demand-oriented buses with a correspondingly high capacity utilisation guarantee the best environmental balance.
When choosing transport options, consider equipment, accreditation and timetables. And remember: transport contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution.
Here's how the "local transportation and shuttle service" measures pay off on the SDGs
- SDG3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-beingfor allat all ages
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
3.9 By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water, and soil pollution and contamination - SDG7: Significantly increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030 - Switch to a green power provider. Get involved as a green power ambassador:in.
Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy - SDG9: Develop high-quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, including regional and cross-border infrastructure, to promote economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all, Benefit alternative mobility.
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. - SDG13:Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts - Reduce your CO₂ footprint.
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Practical tips for sustainable logistics
Sustainable, local logistics are of great importance in the event industry. By using electric vehicles as shuttle service or using public transport, velotaxis, MOIA or car sharing systems, events can be made more environmentally friendly and sustainable.
The use of electric vehicles as a shuttle service has many advantages. On the one hand, these vehicles are emission-free and thus reduce CO₂ emissions considerably. For another, electric vehicles can also be quieter and more comfortable than conventional vehicles, which can be particularly advantageous at events with many guests.
The use of public transport, coaches, vans, velotaxis, MOIA or car sharing systems can also contribute to a more sustainable event. This reduces road congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, travel can be more convenient and less expensive for participants, which in turn can have a positive impact on guest satisfaction.
Furthermore, sustainable, local logistics also offer economic advantages. For example, using electric vehicles or public transportation can save costs for fuel and parking. Cooperation with cities, convention bureaus, local providers such as Velotaxi companies or car sharing systems can also lead to cost savings.
Last but not least, there are also social aspects that speak for sustainable, local logistics. By working with local suppliers, the regional economy can be strengthened. In addition, guests can get a positive image of the event and the organizers, as they recognize that sustainability and social responsibility were taken into account in the planning.
Examples of sustainable logistics at events
Greenbelt Festival
The Greenbelt Festival in the UK has been relying on sustainable logistics for years. Here, it relies on electric vehicles, public transport and bicycles to minimize CO₂ emissions and reduce environmental impact. The advantage of these measures is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a positive effect on the festival's image.
Roskilde Festival
The Roskilde Festival in Denmark has implemented an eco-friendly transportation policy that allows visitors to access electric vehicles, bicycles and public transportation. The festival also offers free buses to and from surrounding cities to reduce the number of cars on the roads. The benefit of these measures is a reduction in CO₂ emissions and an improvement in air quality.
Glastonbury Festival
The Glastonbury Festival in Great Britain relies on environmentally friendly and sustainable logistics. Here, shuttle buses, bicycles and electric vehicles are used to reduce the number of cars on the roads and minimize environmental pollution. The benefit of these measures is a reduction in CO₂ emissions and an improvement in air quality.
GreenTec Awards
The GreenTec Awards in Germany focus on sustainable logistics and use electric vehicles to transport guests and materials. The event also promotes the use of public transportation and car-sharing systems for visitors. The benefit of these measures is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a positive impact on the event's image.
Latitude Festival
The Latitude Festival in the UK focuses on environmentally friendly logistics and uses electric vehicles, bicycles and public transport to reduce the number of cars on the roads. The festival also offers shuttle buses to and from surrounding towns to make travel easier for visitors.
Now it's your turn - are local transportation and shuttles part of the sustainable logistics at your event?
Let me know how you have made logistics more sustainable at your event or how you plan to do so in the future.
- Do you have bicycles, e-vehicles and public transportation to get to your event?
- Can your visitors use car sharing?
- Do you offer free shuttle buses from the nearest parking lot or subway?
- Do you also only let them drive when guests really need them or does the bus run empty? How did you negotiate this with the shuttle company? Tell others.
Discuss the topic of "local transportation" with me - for example, directly on my LinkedIn profile.
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