If you design your event to be sustainable, you also need targeted communication for sustainable implementation. Therefore, inform your audience, staff and service providers about the ethical aspirations of the event. Motivate your service providers to follow your positive path and help shape it. Many companies and service providers already have an environmental manager. Include this person in your communication strategy with the goal of informing the audience in a sustainable way. Provide assistance and tips, offer customer loyalty tools and benefits for waste avoidance or collection, deposits and more. You should also use service providers with a sustainable focus for event promotion. Use eco-friendly printing for unavoidable flyers, posters, advertising.
Raise awareness for more sustainability through an open and honest discussion!
Here's how sustainable implementation communications pays dividends to the SDGs
- SDG4: Create knowledge collaboratively and creatively. Share your knowledge.
Goal 4: Education - SDG12: Ensuresustainable consumption and productionpatterns
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
12.2 By 2030, achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
12.5 By 2030, significantly reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse - SDG13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Reduce your CO₂ footprint.
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts - SDG17: Strengthen means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. Sustainability is a collaborative effort, leverage partnerships, collaborations and networks.
Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Practical tips for communication for the sustainable implementation of events
The events industry is a major industry that relies on a wide range of stakeholders to be successful. These include not only organizers and attendees, but also local communities, suppliers, sponsors, media and many others. Transparent and honest communication with all stakeholders is therefore essential to build trust and deliver a successful event.
In today's world, the issue of sustainability is of great importance, and it is important that communication about sustainable solutions is honest and without greenwashing. It is about addressing the challenges of sustainability and not just making empty promises. A sustainable event industry can also be a new business area for those who are successful in sustainable communication. By communicating sustainable solutions in a targeted manner, they can reach the respective target group and thus make a positive contribution to sustainability.
In addition, a sustainable event industry can bring sustainability and its solutions to life for millions of ticket buyers. This can help create awareness of sustainability and encourage people to make environmentally friendly choices. Event sponsors and promoters should recognize this and invest specifically in sustainable solutions, services and products.
Transparent communication and sustainable event management can also bring social benefits. Events can be a platform to promote diversity and inclusion and increase opportunities for fair pay and equality. Transparent communication and close collaboration with all stakeholders can achieve this.
Overall, transparent communication and sustainable event management is an important step in gaining the trust of ticket buyers, bringing sustainability to life and creating social benefits. It is also an opportunity for those who are successful in sustainable communication to expand their reach and make a positive contribution to sustainability.
Examples of communication for the sustainable implementation of events
Green World Tour
The Green World Tour is a trade show dedicated to sustainable consumption. It communicates openly and transparently with all stakeholders about its sustainability strategy and works with various organizations to achieve its sustainability goals. For example, they received the "Zero Waste" certificate and rely on digital communication channels.
Fusion Festival
Fusion Festival is known for its openness and diversity. They are committed to an inclusive society and also communicate this openly and transparently with their stakeholders. For example, there are special offers for people with disabilities and LGBTIQ people.
Campus Festival Bayreuth
The Campus Festival Bayreuth attaches great importance to sustainability and relies on renewable energies as well as environmentally friendly means of transport. They communicate openly and transparently with their stakeholders about their sustainability strategy and thus also convince sponsors who identify with sustainability.
Hamburg Water World Triathlon
The Hamburg Wasser World Triathlon relies on a sustainable event strategy and communicates this openly and transparently with its stakeholders. They rely on environmentally friendly means of transport and work with local partners to reduce the event's CO₂ footprint.
World Sustainability Forum
The World Sustainability Forum is a conference that focuses on sustainability and scientific solutions. They communicate openly and transparently with their stakeholders and rely on digital communication channels to achieve their sustainability goals. The conference aims to bring together science, business and politics to work together on solutions for a sustainable future.
Now it's your turn - how do you ensure communication for the sustainable implementation of your event?
Let me know how you have changed communications for your sustainable event or how you plan to do so in the future.
- Are you already communicating the first steps of your sustainability strategy?
- Are you waiting for a specific goal or certificate to be achieved?
- Do you already have a sustainability manager?
Discuss with me - for example directly on my LinkedIn profile.
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