Whether online shop, tour sales, product development or merch production - SUSTAIN stands for consistent sustainable merchandising. In addition to our full service, we develop sustainable merchandising concepts (live & online). In this way, we enable bands, artists, festivals and events to conduct their business in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.
SUSTAIN creates alternatives to classic merchandise in the form of intangible merchandise as well as second hand, upcycling and DIY concepts and merchandise.
We always act consistently and transparently and sustainably in all areas. We always focus on climate friendliness, ethical and fair working conditions. Part of our sustainability concept is therefore also to create alternatives to classic merchandise and to avoid new productions wherever possible. We compensate for the consumption of resources caused by our productions by making donations to climate protection projects. This involves much more than planting trees. With our specially founded environmental protection association PlantNOW e.V., we transparently and continuously promote holistic renaturation, nature conservation and educational projects.