FLUSTIX Rethink Plastics

Certification of freedom from plastics & use of recycled plastics

Seal for consumers, environment and economy
The Flustix Plastikfrei-Siegel and the Flustix Recycled-Siegel are the first, Europe-wide registered and recognised seals for plastic sustainability.
Flustix checks products and packaging for their plastic content and/or the type of plastics used. Plastic-free goods as well as products made of secondary plastics can be marked with the different Flustix seals. In this way we offer the consumer a reliable orientation for plastic-reduced shopping, protect the environment and help innovative economic players to communicate their sustainability in terms of plastics. Only with careful handling of the valuable material plastic can we achieve the climate change.


Q Does your company have a SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY?

Plastic reduction meets consumer protection - independent & solution-oriented

The plastic problem has reached unprecedented proportions. Plastic is found in food, water and soil. The consequences for the environment are devastating. Animals and plants die. Our health suffers increasingly. There is no doubt that we have to rethink our use of plastics. Plastics reduction is now at the heart of environmental protection and corporate CSR strategies. Our vision is a world in which we protect nature sustainably and use resources in the economy in an environmentally conscious manner. With Flustix we have committed ourselves to the sensible reduction of plastics and thus stand for a responsible use of the valuable material plastic as well as for an intact recycling economy.

Q To what extent are their services and products sustainable?

The sensible use of plastics counts: Avoid or recycle!
Flustix does not aim to demonize plastic in principle, but rather to use the valuable material only where it is really necessary, such as in medicine, public services or transportation. The reduction of disposable plastic is our central concern. To achieve this, we support environmental organisations, research and education on the subject. The topic has already reached society and politics and is increasingly recognized as an opportunity by business and industry. The markets are reacting decisively to the demands and the will to act of the consumers. Our mission is to provide innovative manufacturers with Flustix with the highest level of transparency and credibility: none of our seals are awarded without external verification and independent licensing. The independence of our seal prevents consumers from being misled.

Q Contact person on the subject of sustainability?

