FISCHER print&media

Print shop since 1923 - 100% climate neutral

FISCHER druck&medien is a sustainable family business in its fourth generation. The product range includes flyers, invitations, menus, forms, pads but also websites, ePaper and QR code solutions.


Q Does your company have a SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY?

For its extraordinary commitment to sustainability, the Saxony Environmental Alliance has awarded FISCHER druck&medien with the Certificate of Recognition. In 2020, the company was the only one in its sector to take part in the competition for the German Environmental Award. Since 2015, FISCHER druck&medien has been offering climate-neutral print products such as flyers, business cards, brochures, pads and much more. The first efforts to produce sustainably began back in 2000. At that time, the chemical-intensive pre-press was replaced by so-called processless printing plates. Among other things, eco-inks were introduced, recycled papers were increasingly offered and LED lighting was introduced.

Q To what extent are their services and products sustainable?

In addition to 100% climate-neutral production, sustainably produced inks and papers can be used. Delivery to the customer and travel routes for employees are also considered in the sustainability strategy.

Q Contact persons on the subject of sustainability

Steffen Fischer - Owner in 4th generation

Q Other certificates

100% climate-neutral production (survey based on worldwide standard from ClimatePartner), Environmental Alliance Saxony
