BEEFTEA group GmbH

Agency for live and digital events

We are the experts for live and digital events and create experiences for companies that want to reach and inspire people emotionally with their brand and products. We combine the emotionality of a live event with the digital possibilities and create enthusiasm for the online event.

So that events, whether live or digital, become a lasting experience with a clear message.
From Berlin, Cologne and Hamburg for our customers from Europe


Q To what extent are their services and products sustainable?

As an agency for live and digital events, we have successfully completed the ecovadis CSR audit and thus had our commitment to sustainability assessed independently and professionally. With "ecovadis Silver" we receive an award for responsible action in the planning and implementation of live and digital events.

Q Contact persons on the subject of sustainability

Christopher von Below

Q Other certificates

EcoVadis - EcoVadis is the world's most trusted provider of sustainability assessments and intelligent, collaborative tools to improve the performance of global supply chains.

Q Does your company have a SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY?

Sustainability is a strategic goal of the BEEFTEA group
For the BEEFTEA group and its clients, sustainability is a central challenge of today's world. As a sustainable company in the event industry, BEEFTEA bears a great responsibility for its attendance events and digital events, for clients as well as participants, employees, partners, suppliers and the environment. Competence in sustainability is a clear goal of BEEFTEA.
