Agency 2020 GmbH

Agency for Sustainability and Communication

Many still see a social change towards more ecology, sustainability and environmental protection as a model of renunciation. But why don't we look at what we can all gain?

We believe that the world can only get better by tackling the causes and not the symptoms. This means: change begins in the mind.

This is exactly where we come in.

Our vision:
Communication is where we come from. Learned and loved. Craft and vocation.
Sustainability is where we want to go. Ambitious and enthusiastic. Conscious and emphatic.

With 2020, we give meaning to things and face up to our responsibility.
For our children and grandchildren.


Q Does your company have a SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY?

We are convinced that the good on this earth are not yet sufficiently heard. And that companies want to act more sustainably, but know too little about it.
We want to help change that.
We started out to support companies, organisations and institutions whose products and services we are convinced of, whose ethical and moral principles we share, and whose image of togetherness and togetherness also corresponds to our image. The values we stand for include, in particular, fairness and solidarity, justice and sustainability. We attach great importance to also orienting our work towards the common good. We refuse to work for companies whose destructive actions threaten our earth or small parts of it.

Q To what extent are their services and products sustainable?

We accompany you in your corporate transformation, in the establishment of new processes, in your internal and external communication, in a change towards resource conservation, social responsibility and ecological competence. In short: on your way to becoming a better company.
We do not engage in green washing. Instead, we support you in honest sustainability. Experts advise and accompany you throughout the entire process. We do this with dedication for every client - whether start-up or traditional company, local association or NGO, educational initiative or renewable energy.

Q Contact persons on the subject of sustainability

Daniel Obst ( and Alexander Balow (
