With the 16 Steps Initiative, the event industry is joining forces for a long-term sustainability programme. The aim is to make the industry fit for the future. The initiators Stefan Lohmann from Sustainability Event Solutions and Tanja Schramm from MEET GERMANY presented the initiative at the SUMMIT in Berlin and present strong partners.
16 Steps towards climate neutrality in the event industry by 2025
"Sustainability is not the problem of the event industry, it is the solution" says sustainability expert Stefan Lohmann. "The goal must be to make the industry fit for the future and retool it to a sustainable, responsible and climate-conscious business model. The current climate protection legislation is less of a curse and more of a blessing, to be understood as an important opportunity for a healthy future."
Together with the industry network MEET GERMANY, Lohmann drew up a 16-step plan to make the event industry as climate-neutral as possible by 2025. The steps are based on the Sustainability Rider, the condensed checklist for sustainable events that Lohmann developed with the support of EMAS and ISO experts and successfully applied in initial projects.
"The idea for the 16 Steps came up in a conversation with Stefan Lohmann. Together we thought about how we could best support the industry. The goal is to bring industry colleagues into an exchange, to learn from each other, to support those who are still undecided, to show best practices and to bring in experts. Every quarter until the end of 2025, we will bring industry colleagues together to discuss a topic and provide tips for implementation.
This very important topic forms a milestone in which our industry is moving further together. says Tanja Schramm (MEET GERMANY) about the genesis of the "16 Steps Initiative".
16 Steps to 2025 - for a climate-neutral event industry
The initiators have gained strong partners as supporters. Numerous industry associations and networks of the green economy and the event industry are promoting the "16 Steps" programme in their environment.
"I am very pleased that these 13 innovative and active associations and networks of the event industry have understood that the topic of sustainability unites our industry and that we can only achieve the climate goals together. Anyone who does not work in a climate-neutral way in the future will find it difficult to survive on the market in the long term," says Lohmann.
The "16 Steps" are small simple steps to make one's thinking and actions climate neutral. For the expert, successful sustainable event management includes, among other things, sustainable quality management, saving costs by using fewer resources and the associated saving of energy and waste.
New business models, e.g. around reusable systems in the event industry, are also desirable, as is the switch to green electricity. Lohmann also assigns "homework" to politicians: Clear legal certainty and fair, attractive subsidy systems specifically for sustainability in the event industry facilitate rethinking and motivate change.
Sustainable Event Solutions and MEET GERMANY - together with their partners - provide their expertise. For each Step, there will be an exchange, workshops, panels, etc. to drive the activation and implementation of the Steps.
16 Steps towards climate neutrality in the event industry by 2025
The initiative was first presented at the evening event of the MEET GERMANY SUMMIT on 25.08.21 in Berlin. In line with this year's SUMMIT theme "The [R]Evolution of Business | People, Technology & Planet", Stefan Lohmann - with the support of 13 industry associations and networks - made clear his aim to establish new, firm standards for climate neutrality and sustainability in the industry with the "16 Steps Programme".
Berlin show Orchestra
The presentation of the initiative was impressively accompanied by the Brass & Beats Ensemble of the sustainable Berlin Show Orchestra. The two largest associations of the Green Economy are no less vocal in their support of the "16 Steps" initiative.
"Sustainable events must become the new normal!" said Katharina Reuter from the German Sustainable Business Association and made it very clear on stage how important the sustainable and climate-neutral orientation of business is and what opportunities sustainable business offers.
Statements of the individual associations and networks:
"Sustainability is not the problem of the event industry, but the solution. Sustainability offers new opportunities and makes the industry fit for the future. The future is climate-neutral events with a positive impact on nature and society."
Stefan Lohmann www.sustainable-event-solutions.de
I am very pleased to be kicking off the "16 Steps to Climate Neutrality" together with Stefan Lohmann from Sustainable Event Solutions. Every quarter until the end of 2025, we will bring industry colleagues together to exchange ideas on one topic, show best practice examples, give tips for implementation and learn together. This very important topic is a milestone that will bring our industry closer together.
Tanja Schramm www.meet-germany.network
"As the organiser of the two global trade fairs for the business events industry, IMEX in Frankfurt and IMEX America, we support the development of a sustainable events industry with all our energy and heart. Sustainability has been a key issue for us since IMEX in Frankfurt was founded 20 years ago and our industry is currently at a turning point - both exciting and challenging. Now collaboration is crucial, which is why we are also happy to support initiatives and collaboration projects like the 16 Steps Initiative." Tanja Knecht - www.de.imex-frankfurt.com
"We at the Interessenverband der selbständigen DienstleisterInnen in der Veranstaltungswirtschaft (ISDV e.V.) are committed to ecological and social sustainability in the industry. We were very happy to join the initiative with other associations and networks because it is essential that every individual in the industry helps to drive positive change." Daniela Fuchs, https://www.isdv.net/
"We can only advance important topics such as sustainability in close cooperation with other players. A uniform line like the 16 Steps helps all actors and players in the market to get recommendations for action for their own implementation, both on a large and small scale. That is why the VDVO supports the initiative.
Doreen Biskup www.vdvo.de
"We at IG Messewesen support the 16 Steps initiative to create binding criteria that also carry the meaning of sustainability to end the proliferation of the word sustainability." David Funk www.igmessewesen.de
"We only have one earth to live on and we need to do all we can to protect it. If we unite as one of the most modern and innovative industries, we have the opportunity to make a significant contribution and create a pull effect that spreads to other industries." Borhen Azzouz www.eventverband.de
"The VLLV e.V. - Association of Lighting Designers and Lighting and Media Operators - supports the 16 Steps Initiative so that sustainability becomes the standard in the industry. We are pleased to be able to play an active role in ensuring that our industry remains fit for the future in a climate-neutral Europe." Timo Graf www.vllv.de
Initiators of the 16 Steps Initiative:
Tanja Schramm, MEET GERMANY
Stefan Lohmann, Sustainable Event Solutions,
Sustainability Checklist: https://sustainable-event-solutions.de/die-sustainability-checkliste
Call for the promotion of a sustainable event industry:
Tanja Schramm Co-Initiator of the 16 Steps Initiative Copyright Meet Germany
Stefan Lohmann Co-Initiator of the 16 Steps Initiative Copyright Meet Germany
Supporting associations, media and networks:
Supporting associations, companies, media and networks:
2N2K Deutschland e.V. - Network Sustainability in Art and Culture e.V.
A.V.B.-Akademie GmbH & Co. KG
B.A.U.M. e.V. - Network for Sustainable Management
BNW Bundesverband nachhaltige Wirtschaft e.V. (German Sustainable Business Association)
BOE INTERNATIONAL - International Trade Fair for Experience Marketing
BVIK - Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V. (Federal Association of Industrial Communication)
Culture4Climate - Initiative for Climate Protection and Sustainability in the Cultural Sector
Convention International - The trade magazine of the mice industry
Convention Wiesbaden
German Event Association e.V.
DNP - German Sustainability Award
Düsseldorf Convention Bureau
Event Elevator
Event Rookie
Forum on Sustainable Management
German Association of Communications Agencies (GWA e.V.)
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Green Chefs - Fairness and responsibility in gastronomy
Kassel Convention Bureau
IBIT - Network and International Education and Training Centre for Event Security
IG Messewesen e.V.
IMEX Group "Our sole aim is to unite and advance the meetings industry"
ISDV - Interessengemeinschaft der selbständigen DienstleisterInnen in der Veranstaltungswirtschaft e.V.
LEA LandesEnergieAgentur Hessen GmbH
Meet Germany a brand of Event Destinations GmbH
memo-media Verlags-GmbH
Study Institute for Communication GmbH
Sustainable Event Solution
UGA - Environmental Verification Committee (EMAS) at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection
VDVO Association of Event Organisers e.V.
VLLV Association of Lighting Designers and Lighting and Media Operators in the Event Industry e.V.
VDT Association of German Sound Engineers e.V.
The initiative has already been reported on here:
Entertainment and Technlogy Now!
thuringian agency for creative industries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcB9H4nlx-M
About Stefan Lohmann and Sustainable Event Solutions
Stefan Lohmann is a talent buyer and artist relations manager from Hamburg. His service portfolio includes live entertainment concepts for concerts, festivals and events. As an expert on sustainability in the event industry, he regularly writes articles in the most important trade journals and book contributions and is active in various networks and associations. He has been in charge of the German Sustainability Award for many years and is an official partner.
He is also the founder of Sustainable Event Solutions. An online platform and network that makes the sustainable solutions and suppliers of the event industry visible. Stefan Lohmann has succeeded in uniting the associations and networks of the event industry with the "16 Steps to Climate Neutrality in the Event Industry by 2025" in order to establish sustainability as a standard in the industry. His declared goal is to transform the event industry into a climate-neutral and sustainable circular economy.